WIP [hider= εΊ·] [h2][center]Fujioka Yasu[/center][/h2] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/fLocJk/Yasu.jpg[/img][/center] Nicknames: Bastard [Verbal Guys Only], Prince [Girls only, boys who are attracted to him], Ya or Su [friends only], Death Glares [by less vocal boys and totally counts as a nickname] Age/Grade: 17 - 2nd Personality: In one word,, quiet. Yasu is not shy nor is he timid, he's simply quiet and respectful. His enemies think he comes off self righteous and that he is better than everybody else, he doesn't declare them his enemies that's in their own words. His allies think he comes off dignified and has an air of peace around him, he comes off very mature for a boy his age which makes girls really like him. It does help he's easy on the eyes and doesn't sexualize them or ask them out. Though he is cunning to those who declare themselves his enemy, he has a habit of convincing them their worse ideas are the best ideas and enables them to do it. Mainly to get back at them for girls they have wronged. Power: Holographic Eye. Yasu has an implant in one of his eyes that allows him to project a holographic image from his eye. This can be just about anything he can think of, but he can only project one hologram at a time. Skills: Violin there's a reason the boys don't like him and girls do. Boys don't like him because girls think Yasu comes off sensitive and tender hearted, often expressed through his musical ear. Poetry, Yasu also writes poetry, which is another reason boys don't like him thinking its a ploy to get girls. School wise he excels at Math, English, Writing and History. Special Items: A music box that he plays when he is homesick. And his violin that he holds dear to him. History: Some say his parents aren't his parents. Others say he looks awfully like the boy who supposedly died ten years ago when a banker and his family were killed by a disgruntled extremist group acting against capitalism. Others say that he's not that boy, but eleven years go prior a cop and his family were murdered after a disgruntled criminal left jail only to kill the officer who put his life away behind bars. Others say that everyone else is full of shit. But Yasu doesn't help quell these rumors because he doesn't talk about his history not even to his friends. For everyone knows, he currently lives with his Aunt because his parents are dead and that's the end of the story. [/hider]