[hr][hr][center][b][u][h3]Azerus[/h3][/u][/b][/center] Azerus found himself staring at the wide muscular chest of the chimera he just abused. [i]'How had he missed this lumbering giant?[/i]' Regret suddenly hit him like an electric shock running through his body as he nervously looked up to the guys face. Relief swept over him as he was not greeted by anger or offence but instead a smiling face. Not one to argue when given a lucky break Azerus quickly put out his hand to greet Berke and introduced himself. [color=Goldenrod][b]"Oh hey Berke, the names Azerus. Yea, pretty full on day. Ah, nice to meet you. How's things?"[/b][/color]