[@LadyinInk] "Come on down dear." She greeted Nadya with her familiar motherly smile, pleased to see another who had made it back safely. She made her way down into the basement and moved around the room, greeting everyone one by one. [@KatherinWinter] "Good to see you're safe Roxy" Annie didn't want to embarrass her in front of the group so she kept it to a minimum. [@HumanMusic] "Nice to see you're awake Thom." She said, patting the sleepy lad on the shoulder. [@Raptra] "Glad you made it down Kai" She greeted the youngest with a smile, just holding herself back from pulling him in for a hug. [@Raccoon Eyes] Ahsoka was speaking so Annie just smiled and nodded at the girl, not wanting to interrupt. [@SantosGabriel77][@DriveEMOut] Reeve needed quiet to concentrate but there [i]was[/i] a meeting, he had riled some of the group with his request for quiet. Tristan in particular seemed keen to provoke further reaction. "Now Tristan, no need for that tone." Annie said, her face taking a sterner facade as he sat back down with his water. In fighting was the last thing they needed. Luckily Ahsoka was on the move too, occupying Reeve - whether intentionally or not she had helped quell a potential dispute.