[h1][b]Federation News Network[/b][/h1] [hr] [h2]Hostage Crisis In Anita City[/h2] 2995.12.19 [h3]Lawless mobs have convened and attacked government buildings in Anita City today, taking advantage of the police strike currently underway in the province of Anita, on Thadus in the Alpha Centauri Star System. Federation forces have landed in the city and secured the Capital Building in Anita City only to find some of the government personnel missing, including the deputy mayor. [img]https://i.imgur.com/lT1m6MB.png[/img] [i]Federation Mechs advance on rioters[/i] While the building is now secure, there are reports of violent demonstrators gathering in the harbour district of the city, with CCTV cameras confirming the missing administrators being held by the mob. FNN has not yet received word on the condition of the hostages, nor any list of demands by the perpetrators. More on this as the story develops. - FNN[/h3]