[center][color=Magenta][h2]Alicia Harnick[/h2] Level: 2 Day/Time: Day Two Location: Butter Building, Kirby's Dream Land Interacting: Banjo-Kazooie[@Etherean Fire] Mention: Frisk Dreemur[@Guardian Angel Haruki], Cloud Strife[@Holy Soldier], Phoenix Wright[@Leaves], Marx[@Holy Soldier] Word Count: 478[/color][/center] When the rainbow beam of destruction fired, it's outermost edge barely missed the Titan's shielding, which crackled and fizzled from the heat, but otherwise did not deplete. The launching of the attack had Alicia rounding the corner, her shotgun ready, to continue the fight, but instead she found their opponent weakened and on the verge of defeat. Still, he didn't go quietly as he pointed out, through a pun no less, that the ceiling's integrity had been compromised. The second explosion, which revealed to be their door out and to the next room, followed shortly after Marx disappeared in a rather...silly manner. Still, as Frisk called for them to move out, Alicia paid it no mind. After all, when you popped of the head of a Fallen Vandel, it just became smoke, so who was she to judge a general for his chosen death vanish? Making sure that the lawyer was well on his way towards the door, she looked around for the bear with the bird in it's backpack. During her own attack on the puffball that had formerly been their opponent, she had lost track of Banjo and Kazooie and after spending several seconds looking, she called out for them. [color=Magenta]"Banjo, Kazooie, let's move! Door's near my location!"[/color] As she waited, a familiar Ghost appeared, his shell one earned through hard battle in the Iron Banner and his presence a stress reliever for her. [color=Magenta]"Good to see you could make it, Iron."[/color] The Ghost simply nods before vanishing back to his place inside her armor. [color=Gray][i]"I am as well. I presume you've already made it past your first challenge then?"[/i][/color] After calling out for the bird and bear once more to ensure the heard her, Alicia retreated through the door herself before answering her partner. [color=Magenta][i]"We did, but there is a slight problem. Our team leader is something of a pacifist. While I initially didn't believe it would be a problem, it might prove to be in the upcoming engagements."[/i][/color] Iron made a humming sound, but did not reply, and she soon found where Frisk had stopped on the other side of the door. Once she found their leader, Iron remanifested himself to run a scan for a means to communicate with him. [color=Gray]"I am Iron, Alicia's Ghost companion. I take it you are the leader of this team?"[/color] The three beams that indicated he was scanning soon vanished and instead he appraised the young child while he waited for a response. A child leader was an interesting tactic, since that spoke a lot of the confidence of this Council that Iron had helped establish communication with for the Vanguard, but it also spoke to just how different other universes were from his own, which provided a rather interesting train of thought as well, that he could discuss with his Guardian once this mission was complete.