*Beatrix roughly shakes off Xan's hand, and stares at Vaseraga's body in disbelief, before her shoulders start rocking again.* Beatrix: Th-that damn fool... Idiot... Stupid... Reckless... Fool... *She holds her eyes as she continues crying, but gradually gets to her feet and stumbles back to grab Vaseraga's scythe. She very gently grabs it by the hilt, before picking it up and holding it close to her chest. She sobs as she mumbles something under her breath, which the scythe responds to by glowing a very dull black hue, to which Beatrix cries to a bit more. She then looks up at Xan, and while continuing to hold the scythe to her chest, she stares straight into Xan's eyes, showing only pain and anger.* Beatrix: Who did this.