[@DriveEMOut] Ahsoka looked over his shoulder to the book curiously skimming over some of it her expression blank. [color=6ecff6]"If I were you I'd talk to someone who knows a thing or two about reshaping metal. Sure yours may be a little more fancy but I'd be willing to bet you'd learn something."[/color] The blue haired girl commented her lips forming back into her usual half smirk. She turned to Roxy when she started to speak but turned back to Reeve as Roxy finished.[color=6ecff6]"And don't worry about earlier that's a warm welcome in my book, at least you don't talk with your fists unlike most thugs I know."[/color] Ahsoka said with a light chuckle casually shuffling a deck of cards she had pulled out of her pocket. Nowadays Ahsoka spent most of her free time in run down taverns so not much really shook her in regards to treatment.