*Xan backs away when her hand is shaken off, not wanting to invade Beatrix's space, but still wanting to show comfort. She looks around, shuffling her feet again as she tries to find something to help, then remembers Eustace and Zeta. She is about to run off to find them when Beatrix asks her a question. Xan turns and is taken aback by the cold fury in Beatrix's eyes. She's only seen on gaze like that before, from the hazel eyes of a Half-Elven warrior.* Xan: I- Man, but not man. His face... split apart... Looked like mech-can-ee-kal bits inside instead of bone and brain. Your friend tackled him through the wall, then I hear big boom and now... I think he dead. I think your friend make him go boom and... he take your friend with him when he crossed the wall... I be sorry... he be brave man, but gone now... *She looks over at the remains of Vaseraga and cringes at the mess of gore.* Xan: If he not dead, then he badhurt. Sasha stab, I bite. He badhurt. *She gives a physical description of Gordon, just in case her intuition about him blowing up is wrong.*