[color=aba000][h1]Leval Lamrue[/h1][/color] [color=aba000]“Oh I am sorry I did not realize the Shela had a friend with her. What type of flavor do you enjoy?"[/color] Leval’s response was polite, but his eyes narrowed at the creature’s words and dismissive tone. He listened to Shela and the reptile, learning that Shela possessed no powers. [color=aba000][i]‘Arken brought all of us here for some purpose. Just because that is where she stands now, doesn’t mean that is where she will always be.’[/i][/color] He plated some of the food and put it before Shela, then grabbed a much smaller plate found with a bit of searching through the various cupboards. He plopped a much smaller portion of food in front of Drake. [color=aba000]“Shela, first this food is what I found in the fridge haha, it is definitely not mine. This is our room so it is our food, not just mine. No need to find any food, plus I am sure there are some shared meal times. And far more importantly, no powers will make your time here hard, I wish I could lie to you and tell you otherwise, but that is the reality you face. You know that. Hell, even for me where I am it’s going to be hard. But you need to know, power is not everything. Not in any sense. What is far more important is what you do with what skills you do have or decide to train into. At the moment, your potential is limitless. Even if you don't have magical skills now, you can always learn. A magical gear specialist is powerful due to their ability to use their enchanted gear to the fullest and they do not use magic, example. At the moment Shela, your potential is limitless. You can become whoever you want to be and when you become strong, you have an advantage over the competition because you will have known what it is to be weak. Remember this, real power comes from these, nothing but these."[/color] Leval pointed to his head and his heart through his pink apron. [color=aba000]"But as my mother always says, eat first, think later! Let's dig in and then head down!"[/color]