[@PrinceAlexus][@lancegames10] Cornilious straightened his robe and said [color=ed1c24]"What brings the great endangered race to the imperium?"[/color] The envoy, Riktus of Ulthwe, spoke briefly. [color=8dc73f]"Well met Metal human of the red planet. This is my guard and good friend, Tazakion. We wish to combine our forces in order to rid the area of chaos and the former warrior race of orks made scavenging theives. We will then, after the battle is won, leave. I know this is unorthidox, especially to you, Custode of the human emporor."[/color] "That it is" remarked Yoven, "but our species have worked well before, and I see no reason to stop now." [color=ed1c24]"I agree, but if we do agree to this, we need to set some ground rules and prohibitions for this so our troops, should they be in one area camping on the front lines the won't kill each other."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Agreed"[/color] Incarces then slammed a hammer on the ground. "I forbid this! I refuse to work with XENOS!!!" Both Yoven and Cornilious took their respective weapons and aimed them at the chapter master. Yoven, uncontent, said "If we don't agree, we could be overrun! Do you want to loose?" [color=ed1c24]"Me and the inquistion have had some issues, but this we agree on. Asura, would you be angry if we spill an astartes' blood? He is very much going against the emporor for not thinking of the emperium first, like he is supposed to[/color]