[center][h2][color=92278f]Belwyn[/color][/h2][/center] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/5029/th/pre/i/2011/264/b/0/abandoned_harbor_by_u2644-d4ah1hs.jpg[/img] It was just another night in Belwyn. The once salty rough waves caused by incoming ships and boats settled down and the ocean water was calm once more, hidden among the warehouse district were many, if not dozens, of drug dens constructed by humans to sell to the poison off to the populace of the city. It was one of the few areas claimed by the humans on the island, it wasn't exactly as luxurious as downtown, or as safe a police station, but it was their place to make drugs and call home. [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gMG3luu.jpg[/img] Further outside the city were the Orcs, housing themselves in some of the older former human buildings before the island was claimed for the creatures, the forest was quiet for some time, but not for long with the Orcs roaming around them and possibly going into the city. The forest was largely claimed by the Orcs when they first arrived and most feel drawn to it or are urged into go into the forest with the rest of them by other creatures who feel intimidated by the race's height or stance, or as an insult by other races around the. [hr] [img]http://2d.by/wallpapers/g/gorodskoy_labirint.jpg[/img] Lastly, within the city, the night in the slums and the more upper wards were completely different for some if not all, at night some of the nastiest gang came out to crack heads and take lives in the dark alleyways. Next to all of the smaller unknown gangs stuck in the slums where the more organized crime rings don't bother claiming due to either their business taking up a lot of their time or just lacking interest in taking the area or just not wanting to waste the manpower on the vast area. [hr] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/5306/i/2012/304/6/c/epocholis_by_jonasdero-d4ca97z.jpg[/img] Further from the slums, there was the most corrupted cesspool of the island, where most of the criminals thrived in bright light with some cops turning a blind eye to their antics, it was downtown. Disguising its true intentions with bright colorful lights, downtown was just as crime riddled as everywhere else, walk down the wrong alleyway where the lights cannot see you and you'd end up just as dead, as you would if you wandered in the slums. Downtown was the only place that most fat cats would live if. [hr] [img]https://i.neoseeker.com/ca/saints_row_3_conceptart_L0Eaz.jpg[/img] Smack dab between both the slums and Downtown, was the red light district, the one place where the dogs from the slums would rub shoulders with people from the rich and bright nightlife of downtown. The main people in control of the red light ward are the Black rose gang, a gang mostly composed of dark elf street walkers who's lead by their leader Tarvona Moran, the owner of the rose garden. [hr]