Morthos did not go to bed as soon as he got home that night. He lit a small fire, sat in his chair, and had himself a nice think. He'd made a new friend, a friend who wasn't some old person who ran a library. Morthos was feeling something he wasn't sure he'd ever really felt before, he was happy. He'd found someone who didn't judge him for how he looked, she just treated him like a person, she'd even confided something in him. Morthos just sat and thought about her for a while, Jax, quite possibly his first real friend. Certainly the first one who was anywhere near his age. Eventually he got tired and retired to bed, anxious for Jax's fight against Titan the next day. Morthos woke up the next day excited to see Jax again, he was really curious how she intended to defeat Titan, or if the whole thing was possibly just a bluff of some sort. He ate his normal breakfast of cereal and cleaned himself with fire instead of taking a shower like a normal person would. Being a hellspawn did have some advantages, one of which was being pretty fire resistant. He then donned his cloak, grabbed his usual equipment and headed out. He was walking across the SPA campus headed towards the library when he saw Jax entering with someone else. Oh what was her name, he knew it....Ophelia, right. Morthos made his way over to them, why wait for Jax to challenge Titan when he could just be there when she did it. He wouldn't mention it though, as he wasn't sure she told anyone else. "Jax, hey." He raised his staff slightly in greeting, "sleep well last night? Ready to, uh, take on the day?" He was trying to be subtle about asking about the challenge, he was unsure how smooth he may or may not be.