[quote=@Tlstiffl] [@HushedWhispers][@Fabricant451][@FloriCello][@codex] Dear Lovelies, I have to apologize, but I think I need to put this RP on hold :( :( :( I feel like the worst person ever, but my personal life has gotten a tad too hectic to give this RP my full attention. I am hoping by the winter when things suddenly settle down, I will try to start this up again and I will message all of your first to see if you are still interested. But I am so deeply sorry (especially to Fabricant and Flori for doing such a great job on your character sheets) and hope you all find RPs that work for you! [/quote] I should also apologize for my absence but I'll still be interested in the Princess role whenever you decide to restart this. Just hit me up with a @mention. :D