[center][b] Promise, Rule, and Guidelines [/b][/center] [b]-Summarized-[/b] 1. I can't agree I'll agree with you, but I'll talk. 2. If you can't settle a fight between yourselves, I'll roll a biased die. 3. Just because you post that something happened, doesn't mean someone couldn't interrupt before that happened. 4. We're going to start with a event battle, but after that, let me know when you want events. [b]-Longform-[/b] [b]1.[/b] If I accept you into the roleplay, I promise not to shut you down over a decision of “I don’t like X power” or “I think X is broken”, whether it’s my opinion or between players. HOWEVER, I do reserve the right to ask for a 24 hour recess in such things between posts if I don’t feel the issue is going anywhere or I need to cool down. Let’s do whatever we need to do to be civil about things. I can’t promise we will never get in an argument, but if we do, I’d like neither of us to walk away with hard feelings. If you’re not accepted, however, and you can’t convince me to accept your character, you get no such promise. [b]2.[/b] If the players cannot agree who wins between them, I will decide it via weighted probability. If I think X character has a decent upper hand, but not a sure deal, I may roll a d6 and give X character the victory on a 3 or higher. It is then the player’s responsibility to end the fight with that result. The participants in a fight may also agree on some other neutral party to decide things such for themselves if they both agree to it. [b]3. [/b]Timelapsing is a thing, except for timelapsing flourishes. What are timelapsing and flourishes? Timelapsing is when you respond to “Alright, I start casting my mega-death-laser, charging up to full power over fifteen seconds, and then unleashing it!” with “I throw a flurry of shurikens at you.” Throwing a few shurikens is a hell of a lot faster than fifteen seconds, so if you throw a shuriken at someone charging his death laser, he has to either choose between taking a whole bunch of shurikens to the face, or cancelling his death laser to do something else, like dodge or block. What are flourishes? Things that just add style to the fight. The most common example is talking. If someone posts “You will face my justice!” Before they launch a punch, you don’t get to say “Well, during the time you were saying that before punching, I walked away.” Talking is a free action, and if everyone is afraid to give badass taunts, the fighting will be less fun. [b]4.[/b] I intend to start off with an introductory "Precursor Ruin" battle, but if after that, people wander around the landscape having superpower kung fu battles with each other on their own time to prove the validity of their beliefs, no real reason for me to intervene until we need something to fight over again. Therefore, when people are getting bored, let me know, and I’ll put up the next battle. Once half the players or more have raised a “I want a group event”, I’ll start a couple of days countdown to the next one, depending on my preparations, and how strong the majority is.