[center][h3][color=662d91][Kusari][/color] [color=cyan][Sander][/color] [color=8493ca][Christmas][/color][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/55cuDim.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xp0eIcQ.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/Kxn0drf.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3R5vYYi.png?2[/img][hr][color=silver]π•Šπ•¦π•Ÿ: π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. 𝟚𝟝, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / 𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕕 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕 π•€π•€π•π•’π•Ÿπ•• / / β„€π•™π•’π•Ÿπ•˜'𝕀 𝔼𝕀π•₯𝕒π•₯𝕖 / / ~πŸ™πŸπŸ˜πŸ˜[/color][hr][/center] Kusari rolled herself down the hall of guestrooms in a wheelchair. Her right arm and leg were gone, having been severed the day before. She thought they would grow back more quickly than this, she knew it would take longer than her alternate limbs but this was a gross miscalculation. She struggled to keep her chair straight as she looked at the named plaques on the walls next to rooms. She stopped in front of the room with Christmas's name next to it. She leaned forward and knocked on the door. After waiting for a full minute no one answered. [color=662d91]"Of course."[/color] She grumbled and wheeled herself away from the door, continuing to the room beside it: a door with Sander's name on it. After knocking she leaned back and waited. She wasn't exactly thrilled to be visiting potentially both of them, she knew they didn't like her. You don't go out of your way to move out of a room you're sharing with someone for no good reason after all. Around that time, Sander was relaxing on the couch with Christmas resting snugly on his lap, the PS vita cradled in the blond boy’s hands. A visual novel game about mecha pilots fighting in magicked robots scrolled through as text overlaid on a letterbox and various, repeating art pieces. Sander leaned his chin on the healer’s shoulder, occasionally, his eyes would flicker toward the screen and he would supply a choice where Christmas was taking too long to decide between too many options. But most of the time, Sander wasn’t paying much attention to the game. Christmas had been curious about the mansion, and Sander had been trying his best to answer the blond boy’s questions. β€œ[color cyan]Not sure where we are. But far from the city.[/color]” β€œ[color cyan]I saw a deer the other day, you know? Have you ever seen a deer? I thought they were all extinct.[/color]” All of the sudden, though, Sander tensed up, frowning at the door like it was offending him. Slowly, he disentangled himself from Christmas, reassuring the boy with a quick peck on the lips before heading toward the door. He already knew who knocked. What he didn’t prepare for though, was the sight of her in a wheelchair. β€œ[color cyan]Kusari?[/color]” -He raised an eyebrow, still keeping a hand on the doorhandle, as if ready to slam it shut any moment. At the sound of their previous roommate's name, Christmas froze them scrambled backwards, dropping the Vita in his hurry to scoot towards the headboard of the bed and bundle the blankets around him like she was a monster he could avoid if he simply covered his head with the sheets. Kusari's lips tightened as she saw Sander's face. How was she going to do this, be polite? Chopping off her other arm would be easier. [color=662d91]"Yeah..."[/color] She looked past him to see a Christmas sized bundle of blankets on a bed. [color=662d91]You've gotta be kidding me.[/color] It wasn't as if she was going to hurt him, he looked like a child hiding from the boogyman under his bed. [color=662d91]"I need to speak to Christmas, could you let me in please?"[/color] She said, trying not to let her rough voice come off as abrasive. "[color cyan]You can speak from here.[/color]" -Sander frowned, speaking in a tone that brokered no argument. He opened the door a little wider, but moved to stand between Kusari and the bed -"[color cyan]I think Christmas can hear you just fine.[/color]" Kusari let out an internal sigh. This was going about as well as she thought it would. At least he hadn't slammed the door in her face, not yet anyway. She winced as she felt a sting of pain in her right arm, the one that wasn't there right now. She'd been feeling it a few times, this wasn't a pain she'd taken into consideration. Her amputated arm and leg weren't bleeding, but every now and then she could feel phantom pains. [color=662d91]"S-sure... Hey Christmas, could you do me a favor? My um, right leg and arm aren't healing like they should, could you help me?"[/color] The healer peeked out from underneath his blankets, wary until he confirmed that Kusari's arm and leg were, indeed, "not healing as they should." They were completely gone, for one thing, though he was grateful she hadn't arrived gushing blood from the stumps. The sight was grotesque, however, and he gulped in fear, trying to muster up the courage to do something about it beyond cowering in bed. It didn't help that this had interrupted his time with Sander and a nagging feeling behind all the initial panic and fear prodded him to sit back up slowly. [color 8493ca]"Kn-knife...?"[/color] he asked, mostly at Sander. He was trying to avoid staring at the amputated stumps, because the sooner he could get through this, the less time he'd have to spend with Kusari, and the missing limbs were terrifying in their own ways--a reminder of what could have been and what still might be. "[color cyan]There's no knife.[/color]" -Sander simply shook his head, his frown deepened -"[color cyan]Why aren't your wounds healing?[/color]" -He directed the question at Kusari, along with a withering look. As Christmas mentioned a knife Kusari reached into a pouch attached to the wheelchair. As she riffled through it Sander questioned her. [color=662d91]"I don't know."[/color] She said, not looking to him. [color=662d91]"I think it might be healing, just way too slowly. For all I know it could stop at some point."[/color] She pulled out a disposable syringe, an individually wrapped antiseptic wipe, and a band-aid. [color=662d91]"You don't need a knife, we can use this. It shouldn't really hurt, it'll heal in no time."[/color] At the sight of the needle, Christmas blanched, recalling the many, many needles that had been puncturing him repeatedly during the days they kept him at Washington, and then at a nearby town, healing all the injured while he lay strapped to a bed or similarly secured to a wheelchair. It had been for his own safety, in retrospect, to prevent any straying hands from pulling him away and out of the doctors' reaches, especially after the first time they had brought him into a room without bindings. Still, the sight wasn't pleasant and he breathed in quickly, hoping the moment would pass. It always boiled down to one person's pain being less than another's. With a quick look at Sander, then back down to the sheets, he fumbled at the rough bandages on his left arm, pulling up the sleeve to the elbow and reluctantly unwinding the mess Sander had made yesterday. Memories of the puncture marks that littered Christmas’s arms and thighs surfaced, and Sander simply stared at the syringe, dark rage bubbling in his chest. Was that what they all said? Just a little puncture wound. It would heal in no time. But unlike her, Christmas’ body didn’t heal like that. β€œ[color cyan]No. Go away.[/color]” -He said to Kusari, voice cutting. [color 8493ca]"I don't...don't mind..."[/color] Christmas mumbled from the bed, clutching at the segment of gauze in his hand and bracing himself for that now-familiar sting. "[color cyan]I do.[/color]" -Sander didn't turn to look at Christmas, but his voice shook -"[color cyan]Please.[/color]" But it was something Christmas had learned from days of the same types of people. They asked and asked until they got what they wanted--because it was true, after all, that their injuries were terrible. That they needed help immediately. That their loved one would soon die. The problems all melted into one large pit of anxiety for Christmas and the quickest resolution was always to oblige. They left faster when everything went their way. Especially with Kusari, with whom they'd have to share a general living space with, it wasn't a good solution to turn her away. She'd come back. Or, bully that she was, she'd remember it for another time. Another day. Either train of thought sparked that coiling panic in his gut and he pawed at some of the newer punctures--the deeper ones where the nurses had been too tired, or stressed, or overworked, or uncaring that a subnatural suffered to notice they had pierced too far--that had yet to heal. The bandages fell off easily once the end binding had unraveled since Sander had never secured them piecemeal the night before. Small dots of blood broke through skin that had barely closed over, trickling downward only a millimeter before they disappeared into a fine, sparkling mist. It was slow to spread, but would soon reach the door not ten feet away. [color=662d91]"That's not up to you."[/color] Kusari said to Sander. She tried to keep her tone placid. Sander was still acting like a doting parent and she didn't like it. [color=662d91]"If he really doesn't want to that's fine, I can deal with it. I just don't want to be crippled if something happens here..."[/color] She trailed off as she noticed Christmas's signature healing mist heading her way. [color=662d91]"Ah, thanks. Uh, hold on."[/color] She didn't see him use anything to cut himself. Looking closer it was evident that he already had wounds on his arm. [color=662d91]"Are you still hurt from D.C?"[/color] She asked. He blinked at the mention of D.C., hiding back under the covers again, but leaving enough of a gap in the blankets for the mist to continue spreading. By the time it reached Kusari, it had filled up almost half the room and already her limbs were starting to regenerate, though progress was initially slow. "[color cyan]You got what you want.[/color]" -Sander was quick to notice the healing growth. He placed his hand back on the door knob -"[color cyan]Leave.[/color]" Kusari noticed her limbs begin to regenerate, albeit slowly at first. It seemed Christmas was trying to go back to playing fort, and Sander wanted her out. [color=662d91]"Wait, I'm serious. Wasn't he alright when he left with you?[/color] She asked Sander. "[color cyan]So? You don't really care.[/color]" [color=662d91]"Stop assuming things about me and answer my question, what happened to him?"[/color] Kusari asked again, her tone still somehow remaining calm. The healing was picking up speed the longer she remained in the mist and her limbs, coupled with her natural regenerative abilities, were almost halfway reformed, muscle and bone drawing forth as if from thin air, ligaments and tendons fastening fibers of red and pink in place. β€œ[color cyan]He used his power.[/color]” -The answer was curt, and Sander still looked like he expected Kusari to leave soon, ready to close the door any moment. Sander's answer wasn't enough and he knew it, he was clearly being spiteful. She looked down and saw that her arm and leg's recovery was quickening. Pretty soon she [i]could[/i] leave, but not yet. She glared at Sander before looking past him to Christmas. [color=662d91]"Christmas, what did they do to you? You don't have to be afraid of me alright? I'm not going to hurt you, any of you."[/color] There was no response from the mound of blankets, but Christmas peeked out briefly to see if her limbs were fixed, sorely regretting the sight of the half-healed arm and leg. He ducked back under the comforter, making a noise between "um" and a soft "augh," torn between explaining and just waiting for the terrible dismemberment to heal. He had no idea what had happened, but if it was from the fiasco he half-remembered, at least he was making sure she recovered. It was less from concern and more from anticipation that she'd leave soon--really soon if he had guessed the progress of the limbs correctly. "[color cyan]He has to bleed to use his power. You know this.[/color]" -Sander sighed -"[color cyan]Are you done?[/color]" [color=662d91]"No, I'm not."[/color] Kusari said. She was starting to see what the picture was. Once again they'd used Christmas like an inhuman healing station. She understood the need for his help, but the fact that they had left his arm so damaged made it clear how little they really cared about him. She looked at the syringe in her lap, she couldn't imagine how many times he must have been poked. [color=662d91]"I'm sorry Christmas, I know this isn't easy for you. Just... You just need to know that I appreciate you, alright? I'm not going to treat you like an inhuman tool like they do."[/color] Her limbs were nearly healed by now, she felt a pang of joy upon seeing that she'd have her normal hand back. Sander only snorted at Kusari's words, tapping his fingers on the door impatiently as the final touches of skin and nails formed at rapid speeds, finishing off with little fanfare. Some seconds later, Christmas peeked out again, dissipating the healing mist when he noticed Kusari seemed whole again and nothing else required healing. If he'd heard what she said, he didn't show it, choosing instead to duck back under the blanket. Kusari didn't really know what to say, now that her limbs were back to normal it seemed they both just wanted her to leave. It wasn't as if she wanted them to hate her. Sander still pissed her off, and Christmas's cowardly behavior still annoyed her, but she wasn't going anywhere. They were all stuck together, and having her allies hate her wasn't going to make things easy. But she supposed she deserved it, like she always did. She stood to her feet, wiggling her right foot's toes. It felt a little odd being properly balanced again. [color=662d91]"I guess you won't be forgiving me anytime soon..."[/color] She let out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders. [color=662d91]"Look, if you're ever in danger, don't be too scared to ask for my help if Sander isn't there, alright?"[/color] "[color cyan]You don't really want to offer that, Kusari.[/color]" Kusari looked towards Christmas, waiting for him to say something, but he remained silent. She wondered if he would ever grow any semblance of a backbone. [color=662d91]"You don't know a damn thing about what I want Sander."[/color] She turned her eyes to Sander. [color=662d91]"It seems to me that you just don't want anyone else protecting him. Do you think you can keep him safe by yourself?"[/color] "[color cyan]It's not a matter if I can or not.[/color]" -Sander crossed his arms -"[color cyan]I don't believe you. I don't believe that you genuinely care about Christmas. So don't pretend. Leave us alone.[/color]" Kusari narrowed her eyes at Sander. [color=662d91]"And how do you know I don't care about him? Do you even know what you're saying?"[/color] She asked, her voice was calm but it was clear she was holding back from yelling. "[color cyan]You showed it so well.[/color]" [color=662d91]"Stop it."[/color] She spoke through grit teeth, her hands clenched into fists. [color=662d91]"I was desperate, pissed off, that doesn't mean I don't care. Don't you dare try to tell me how I feel. You two just ran off and left me alone, you didn't even attempt to talk to me. That was cowardly."[/color] "[color cyan]I don't want to. For perfectly good reasons. You threatened us.[/color]" Things were sounding like a repeat of the night that had caused Sander to suggest leaving in the first place and Christmas pulled back the corners of the sheets, wishing Kusari had just left instead of beginning the brewing fight. Sander and Kusari didn't see eye to eye, that much was clear. Wasn't it enough to just be cordial? When Sander brought up the exact details of the old argument, he finally found the strength in nervous panic to speak. [color 8493ca]"O-okay,"[/color] he finally agreed to a comment that had long passed. [color 8493ca]"If...S-Sander isn't...isn't near. J-just...I'm...I'm--uh--t-tired r-right now?"[/color] The thoughts didn't really connect and it all sounded a lot more coherent in his head, but really, he just wanted to be back in Sander's lap and far away from the tension mounting in the room. Why couldn't they just forgive her? Christmas forgave Sander, someone that actually did hurt him. Judging my how much time they were spending together she assumed he'd done more than forgive him in fact. What made her so much worse? It took her a moment to realize what Christmas was trying to say, as usual he was acting as if he had a damn speech impediment. She got the point, he just wanted her to leave already. [color=662d91]"Fine."[/color] Kusari turned around and folded up the wheelchair. [color=662d91]"I'll... I'll stay out of your way."[/color] She said, heading for the way out. "[color cyan]Goodbye.[/color]" -Sander closed the door with little hesitation, then locked it quickly. However, he remained standing there until Kusari's scent finally faded.