Lochila has been thinking about it all night. How was she going to explain this to her? A nineteen year-old girl who grew up under the wisdom of Earth? A girl who just discovered the pre-tension of having abilities that were not of the human world? It has ruined the goddess' sleep, and she knew for sure that today wasn't going to be any better. It might happen again, and if it does, Torunn would demand an explanation from her. The raven-haired woman didn't want to act like a coward, and keep it in. So, she decided that today was going to be the day. No more lies; no more spells. She was going to look at her in the eye, and tell her what exactly was going on. These thoughts continued their cycle, as she looked in the mirror that following morning. As far as she was concerned, Torunn was still asleep in the master bed during the seventh hour. She wasn't her brother; not in the very least. For the girl's sake, Lochila's wasn't going to use her abilities anymore. The goddess figured that once she was up, she was up. So, around seven-thirty in the morning, she had herself get ready, wait for Torunn, perhaps take her out for coffee, and take a walk through Central Park. [center][img]http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/204910672/id/7n4jogai5hGiLTneyHa90g/size/y.jpg[/img][/center] Dressed, the woman walked to the main room, and became internally thankful that the lightning didn't create an explosion out of the lookout window nearby. When Torunn did manage to show up (in the clothes from yesterday, no doubt), Lochila led themselves out of the penthouse, and onto the sidewalk within the busy city. It was early in the morning, with hardly any people in sight, probably due to the same emergency broadcast from the day before. There was barely anybody out, except for a few of the homeless, and a few joggers; not to mention that the few cars were of no surprise. Picking up a French-vanilla cappuccino for herself, and a beverage of Torunn's choice, the goddess led the girl into the park, being about five minutes away from the coffee shop. [img]https://historiasdenuevayork.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/otoc3b1o-central-park10092.jpg[/img]