Jason was a bit taken back by Briennas hug, but he smiled and gently returned it with much appreciation. He held her tight, feeling his worry and sadness melt away like before and shook his head. [color=ed1c24]"I'm not even sure how I got here, all I can remember is showing my youngest sister a large boulder I had found when I was young and then it began to glow green. Next thing I know I'm being sucked into some portal and end up here, with you,"[/color] he said with a happy tone towards the end. He slightly pulled back from the hug and rested his forehead onto hers with a grin. [color=ed1c24]"My guardian angel," [/color]he chuckled as he spoke with a broken British accent. He felt his heart pound harder as he once again became trapped within her breath taking eyes. He felt her kindness fill his soul and couldn't help but feel as if he was meant to be here with her. Maybe it was fate. He laughed mentally. [i][color=ed1c24]'Wish fate could be more gentle when it comes to getting me here,'[/color][/i] he joked to himself within his mind. [@Wick]