[center][h3]Yumeko and Kameo[/h3][/center] [color=yellow]"Sounds good to me."[/color] Yumeko said in agreement with her companion. Tinkermon sighed, [color=tan]"That girl is so hard to actually work with though."[/color] Yumeko just looked at her the small fairy thinking over it a little bit before sighing herself. [color=yellow]"Well, it doesn't hurt to have extra hands. Even if the hands don't want to do anything."[/color] She said looking to Kameo again. [color=yellow]"Lets go pick her up."[/color] [h3][center]Rachel[/center][/h3] The Ranamon grabbed Impmon and Rachel by the hands and pulled them towards a huge rock on the waterfront. It seemed like it didn't especially belong there, but there were many weird sights in the Digital World. This one was too. It looked like a type of sandstone from the desert. Behind it was a human girl in the shallows. Well, the head of a human girl. The water was up to the middle of her chin. She looked happy to see people. [color=blue]"I'm back, Lana! I'm sorry I took too long!"[/color] [color=FF00FF]"Oh! Thank goodness you're here Ranamon! I thought the water was raising up in an attempt to swallow me up!"[/color] She tried moving but there was nothing she could do. It seemed she was stuck in the ground. [color=FF00FF]"Hey! Uhhh, girlie and... Umm..."[/color] [color=blue]"Impmon?"[/color] [color=ff00FF]"Yea! Yea, Impy. Help me get out of the ground here! If you do, I'll show you something you've probably not seen before! It's pretty cool!"[/color] This, "Lana" said. She seemed... Rather energetic. Still, she was trapped. It seemed like it would take a little work to get her out, but doable. [color=FF00FF]"Pretty pretty, please?!"[/color]