In the middle of a hallway leading to the cafeteria Lucia R. Braun laid her buttocks against a set of locker as she leaned foward. Her eyes were predatory as she glanced from both side to side as to assure herself that no one was coming. From this preliminary scan Braun did not seem to see any 'prey' that were wandering. With that out of the way Lucia twirled around to face the lockers she was resting against. Bending down she began to enter the code necessary for the bottom most locker to open. [b][i]Click.[/i][/b] Lucia stared into the locker and saw that, yes, Herr Kommissar was proudly guarding one of her many riding crops. Saluting to the Locker Lucia R. Braun began to speak, [color=ed145b]"Ah gud! I zank sie Kommisar for keepink [i]mein arsenal[/i] safe. Ja keepen up ze job und I zhinking I shall presenten zee with und present!"[/color] After stopping the firm salute Lucia rummaged through her locker to pull out a riding crop. Quickly Lucia stood up right and slammed her locker shut. She took a few moments to bend her riding crop while a grin slowly emerged on her face. As the crop was deemed appropriate Lucia dramatically pointed down the hallway with it. [color=ed145b]"Now"[/color] Lucia proclaimed, [color=ed145b]"Ist time for ze eatink."[/color] With that she began marching down the hallway, her heels making a distinctive clinking with each step, while waving her riding crop from side to side. [color=ed145b]"Singing vill come later vhen I have un adorink crowd."[/color] she mused to herself.