[center][img]http://www.belfastvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/INBV-Father-and-Son-shutterstock-750x400.jpg[/img] Hey you! Yeah, you with the kid! Are you a single parent? Do you find yourself wanting a different kind of companionship? Don't you wish someone could relate to you on a certain level of parenting and understanding? What if I told you you could find [i]other[/i] single parents who want the same things?! [h2][u][b]Welcome to Dream Daddy Dating[/b][/u][/h2] [u][i]New and improved with Moms![/i][/u] Here at DDD we're dedicated to finding you that special someone who also has a kid. We'll just ask you to fill out this short questionnaire and we will match you with another parent who just can't wait to meet you! Once you've been matched, you can decide whether our match is the match for you. [h2]Good luck and Happy Daddy (or Mommy) Hunting![/h2] [hider=Questionnaire] (IMAGE) Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Number of kids: Where do you live?: (ex: house in rich neighborhood) Favorite things?: Least favorite things?: Dog or Cat or Other (please specify)? Eating habits?: (Vegetarian, vegan, etc) Occupation: Zodiac and how you feel about it: Activity Level: Smoker? Would you date a smoker? Describe your perfect date: Give us how you would describe your personality:[/hider] [sub]Thank you for choosing Dream Daddy Dating. We are not responsible for any injuries or deaths that occur while using our site. Dream Daddy Dating is also not responsible for any missing items, kidnapped children, or broken hearts sustained while using our site.[/sub] [/center]