Luna grimaced as Edward leaped up, keeping her fingers together so her hands wouldn't fly apart and send him falling on top of her, and tumbling to the ground. She shook her hands out, before taking a small leap herself and grabbing Edwards hand, using her feet to propel herself up, and pulling on Edward, making sure she wasn't going to topple him over, and rolling over the edge of the stair top. She lay there a moment, gaining her breath, having not realised she had been holding it, before she wriggled to the edge, holding out her hand to help Juliette up as well, smiling brightly, and pushing away her body's weariness. It had been a bit of an exhausting few moments, running from certain death. [b]"Come on, We have like, what, eight minutes? You'll have plenty of time to kiss later"[/b] she said with confidence, grining widely, trying to show she wasn't concerned at all. They'd figure this out. They just had to get a move on. If she let herself think that maybe they wouldn't be okay, that this was death... she didn't know what she would do.