[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FCBA7C]Sombra Flores[/color] and [color=ec008c]Myra Flores[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/77a3ac8c2fde2e7da24de1fd93b4f4d2/tumblr_inline_nc6a9xGh3r1rtp0md.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/wFiLcbO.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Cedar Ash Inn. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other, and Alexander Flores ([@Crono]).[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [color=FCBA7C]“..A-Alex..!”[/color] A flicker of panic shooting out through her heart, Sombra started after him, only managing to take a couple of steps before he was gone from the room; leaving her instead with only their mother for company. Had she lost him..? Had she really managed to fuck up so badly that she had just lost her brother for good..? They had only meant to stay a couple of days- her mother and brother weren’t even supposed to find out that they had been in town, and now… Her heart aching slightly, Sombra shut her dark eyes, her gentle features scrunching up slightly as she waited for the feeling to pass with little to no success- why did she care so much..? Yes, it was her brother… but she had worked so hard over the years to try and block out these types of feelings… so why was it that she couldn’t do it now..? Her head dropping slightly, she sighed out in slight defeat; whatever happened… whatever her choice, she was going to have to talk to James about it first… Myra stayed where she had been standing, not making a move to stop Sombra if she left the room, and not following Alex. She could talk with him later, whereas she didn't know if Sombra would give her the chance to do so again. She held her tongue, not snapping out a comment she'd probably regret. She waited silent for a moment or two, gathering her thoughts and what she wanted to say. [color=ec008c]”you didn't answer my question, Sombra”[/color] she said, trying to keep her voice neutral, but she was a bit weary. She waited another moment or two, hesitating a moment, but decided not to install a change in topic just yet. [color=ec008c]”are you pregnant?”[/color] The sound of her mother’s voice catching her ear, Sombra turned her head slightly, her eyes both opening so that she could catch even the smallest of glimpses of the woman out of the corner of them before eventually, she turned her head away, once more looking in the direction of the door, her mind distracted as she spoke softly. [color=FCBA7C]“..yes…”[/color] A conflict of emotions filled Myra. She wanted to touch Sombra, to hug her, but was still terrified that Sombra would push her away. She didn't think she could stand that rejection. She didn't even know what to say. What could she say? She watched Sombra still, for a moment feeling like she was further away from her then she and ever been, [color=ec008c]”He doesn't hate you, Sombra”[/color] she said softly, hesitating a moment before giving in and stepping towards Sombra, and reaching out to hug her, [color=ec008c]”Sombra… “[/color] Her body tensing as she felt her mother taking a hold over her, Sombra lifted her head, her soft lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she turned her head, confusion clear enough behind her gaze as she stood frozen, a little unsure of what to do… of how to react… How long had it been since her mother had tried to hug her..? Even when she’d still been living in Klamath, it wasn’t something that happened between them very often- a rarity of which, more times than none, caught others around them by surprise. Shooting a quick glance at the woman holding her, she hesitated, giving no signs that she was going to be reciprocating the action, but also giving no sign that she would be pulling away from the small amount of comfort either any time soon. [color=FCBA7C]“..madre…”[/color] Myra didn't know how to feel… she hadn't pushed her away, but neither had she gave any indication that it was okay. She sighed softly, [color=ec008c]"I love you baby girl... I always will... I don't want to lose you, again"[/color] the last sentence slipped out, before Myra could even finish the thought in her own mind, and she pulled away, looking away from Sombra. [color=ec008c]"I'm sorry."[/color] Sorry..? Her mother, the proud woman that she was, was apologizing to her..? Blinking a couple of times as though taking a moment to figure out if she had heard wrong or not, Sombra let her dark (and slightly surprised) gaze linger on the woman in question. [color=FCBA7C]“..don’t… I’m the one who left…”[/color] Her voice soft, she spoke to her mother, her eyes closing as a soft sigh passed out through her lips- this was honestly the very last thing she had wanted when they had arrived in town… Gods, she just hoped James was ready for whatever was going to come his way when he finally reunited with her family… Myra opened her mouth to speak, before closing it again. There was no point going down the blame game path right then. Instead she turned back to Sombra, and chose her words carefully. [color=ec008c]“Was that before, or after you became a werewolf?”[/color] [color=FCBA7C]“..what..?”[/color] Her normally rather stoic features flickering with surprise and slight panic, Sombra instead did all that she could to look confused, her dark eyes tearing away from her mother as she shook her head lightly from side to side, brushing off her rather sudden question- where the hell had that come from,[color=FCBA7C] “..I don't know what you're talking about…”[/color] [color=ec008c]”I'm a detective, Sombra, and I know about the… supernatural world”[/color] it wasn't often Mrya caught Sombra off guard, she nodded to Sombra’s hands, [color=ec008c]”Claws. And your palms are bloody, but there are no wounds”[/color] she said, watching her daughter, and waiting to see what she'd do or say. Her hands balling up at her sides, Sombra shifted slightly on the spot, clear at unease at being called out on one thing she had been keeping from her mother for years, [color=FCBA7C]“..does Alex know..?”[/color] Myra gave a small shrug [color=ec008c]”about the supernatural? Not that I know off. I doubt he saw anything, either. Or he'd be a bit freaked out. Is that why you ran away, Sombra?”[/color] [color=FCBA7C]“..we were young; out of control… aunt Zoé did manage to teach us how to control ourselves to a point, but…”[/color] Letting her sentence trail off into nothing, Sombra let her gaze fall to the ground between them, her hands once more relaxing,[color=FCBA7C] “..we were scared that we were going to do something we would regret- that we'd lose it and kill someone we cared about… w-what if I killed you..? What if I killed Alex..? I-I couldn't live with myself…”[/color] Silent for sometime, several things to say going through her mind, Myra wanted to say so much…[color=ec008c] “I don't want you to leave again, Sombra… “[/color] she said softly, knowing she wouldn't have any say in the matter, but still saying it [color=ec008c]”I don't want to lose you again… “[/color] [color=FCBA7C]“..I don't want to hurt you- we left to protect you from this…”[/color] [color=ec008c]”That may be, but I know how to protect myself. I've done a pretty damn good job of it my whole life, and done a good job of staying alive since finding out about this world”[/color] Myra said, [color=ec008c]”I… “[/color] she sighed and trailed off. [color=ec008c]”I want to be in your life… “[/color] Hesitant as she thought on her mother’s words, the possible responses countless and ranging everywhere from a sweet mother and daughter moment, to possible bloodshed should things go wrong, Sombra shifted once more over the spot, her arms coming up to fold over her chest between them, though her expression gave it away… For the first time in a long time… she was vulnerable… [color=FCBA7C]“..I didn’t even buy a dress…”[/color] Her voice soft as she spoke, she lifted her head back up, her soft lips parting ever so slightly as she looked back over at her mum, [color=FCBA7C]“..I didn’t wear white… it wasn’t anything big; just us… a judge… and two witnesses- people we worked with… it was a wedding; but no matter how much I wanted to have the wedding of my dreams, I couldn’t bring myself to do it… not without the family… not without you and Alex…”[/color] Myra watched Sombra, listening as she spoke, hesitating a moment, wondering if Sombra was saying what Myra thought she was. [color=ec008c]”would… would you have one… here?”[/color] she asked quietly, not daring to hope that maybe she'd be apart of her life, even marginally. [color=FCBA7C]“..I-... I would have to talk to James, but…”[/color] Shrugging her shoulders lightly, Sombra allowed her open ended sentence to hang in the air, a single bloody hand breaking from where she had them so that she could run her fingers back through her long dark locks, forcing them back and off of her face, [color=FCBA7C]“..I wouldn’t do a big white wedding without you guys… I just can’t...”[/color] Myra tried not to make a face at the mention of James, [color=ec008c]”I still don't like him… but if he makes you happy, then that's okay”[/color] Myra said, falling silent, not sure what to say, or do now, waiting for Sombra. [color=FCBA7C]“..no… no, it’s more than that, madre…”[/color] Shaking her head lightly, Sombra frowned, allowing her mind to think over how she could explain it without sounding like a lunatic with her head stuck in the clouds, [color=FCBA7C]“..do you remember when I was little..? And you used to read me all those stories, and watch all those movies with me about those Princesses who found true love with their Price..? Like Mulan and Snow White and all that..?”[/color] Pausing a moment, knowing she wasn’t explaining it as best as she could, she let out a sigh, her head turning away slightly as she allowed her mind to wander towards the man she had run away with all those years ago, [color=FCBA7C]“..it’s kinda like that… the true love thing; but… it’s much stronger than that… Madre; there’s no one else out there for me… I know you don’t like him, but he’s my one true mate no matter how much you don’t approve… the night that aunt Zoé turned us; we imprinted on one another… there’s no breaking that bond apart; we couldn’t, even if we wanted to…”[/color] Myra knew there would be several things she wouldn't understand, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Although as Sombra continued, revealing that Zoé had changed her, she found herself angry once more [color=ec008c]”your Aunt changed you… ?”[/color] she was surprised she managed to say it calmly. [color=FCBA7C]“..madre… don’t be mad at her- she had no choice…”[/color] [color=ec008c]”Why? Why shouldn't I be angry?”[/color] Myra demanded, thinking that at every turn, it seemed like there was someone still hiding things from her, and she was getting increasingly weary of it. [color=FCBA7C]“..because if she didn’t turn us that night; you would've had to bury me in the ground before our high-school graduation…”[/color] The words slipping from her lips long before she could stop them, she paused, holding her mother’s gaze for a few moments before she sighed, [color=FCBA7C]“..I snuck out to meet with James; wasn’t the first time… we’d been dating for months… we met up on the outskirts of town; you know that old abandoned mill..? We were- well, you don’t really need to know… but something happened; we were attacked by this… giant wolf, and left for dead… madre… aunt Zoé saved our lives…”[/color] Myra knew that Zoé wouldn’t bite, wouldn’t change anyone unless she didn’t have a choice, and while she could be grateful for Sombra’s life, that wasn’t the point. [color=ec008c]”And then let me think you were in trouble, or dead for five years”[/color] [color=FCBA7C]“..she had a number; that was all…”[/color] Her head tilting lightly to the side, Sombra frowned, ready to keep defending her alpha and her past actions, [color=FCBA7C]“..when we left; we stayed apart of the pack, but we also cut off all communication with her as well… she knew just as much as you did- for all she knows, the message she sent to us about the attack might not have even reached us… she sends us texts, but we never respond to her…”[/color] Myra shook her head, and sighed, [color=ec008c]”She still knew more, had more than I had”[/color] She said, now unable to keep her voice calm, to keep the emotion from her voice, although less angry now, more resigned. [color=FCBA7C]“..madre…”[/color] Hesitating a moment, Sombra reached out towards her mother, the tips of her fingers brushing lightly over her forearm before she thought better of her actions, her arm coming back into her body, her head turning away and her mouth closing once more as she shifted, unsure of what she was supposed to say. Myra sighed heavily, knowing she was being unreasonable… but there really was no reason when it came to your children. She- at Sombra’s light, fleeting touch, Myra turned her gaze to her daughter once more. [color=ec008c]”I’m sorry”[/color] she said once more. She wanted to reach out, to hug her once more, but she was hesitant… [color=ec008c]”I… I just… I missed you, Sombra”[/color] she said, sighing once more, [color=ec008c]”And I want you to stay”[/color] she wanted to reach out, but didn’t, once more worried that Sombra would pull away. [color=ec008c]”But I know… it’s your choice”[/color] She turned away slightly, averting her gaze, [color=ec008c]”You should go talk with Alex. Wash the blood off your hands first”[/color] She added. Watching as her mother turned away from her, Sombra once more found herself hesitating where she stood- why was this so hard..? By the Gods, feelings were just so… argh... Remaining where she stood a moment longer, she eventually nodded her head lightly up and down in response, her body turning before she wandered into the adjoining bathroom, her soft lips parting ever so slightly as she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. How had things gotten so… messy..? Tearing her gaze from the woman staring back at her, Sombra reached out, turning on the tap so that she could let the water run for a moment; the gentle flow of it serene… calming… Quickly washing her hands, the water ran red a few moments before she shut off the tap, drying them with the washcloth hanging beside the sink before she was once more on the move, her dark gaze turning to linger upon her mother for a spell as she passed through the room, soft thuds filling the air as she hurried down the stairs, following her brother’s scent out into the front before she stopped, her gaze landing on his figure. Talking to her mother had been hard enough… now she had to speak with her brother… Debating on whether or not she should go through with this, Sombra took a deep breath, holding it for a moment before finally, she let it out, her feet carrying her almost silently over to the bench he was sat at, her attention flicking to the small pup in his presence as she moved around it, taking the spot beside him, her voice soft as she spoke. [color=FCBA7C]“..lo siento… Alex...”[/color]