[h1][b]Federation News Network[/b][/h1] [hr] [h2]Bombing Rocks Anita City[/h2] 2995.12.20 [h3]At least 50 people are dead with the death count still rising in the aftermath of an explosion at Twin Suns Inc corporate headquarters in Anita City on Thadus. What began as riots in the wake of a police union strike has escalated into a terrorist attack in the heart of the city's downtown. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-K7Rft8gZapk/UFiWrv7lv2I/AAAAAAAADCY/LfG5ySTwFQc/s640/134_cfd_0160_v079.JPG[/img] [i]Twin Suns HQ engulfed in flames following bombing[/i] Twin Suns Inc is a powerful mining interest in the Alpha Centauri System, and one of the few corporations that maintain their headquarters in the colonies rather then on Earth. Revolutionary movements have targeted the corporation for decades, claiming they ruthlessly exploit the colonists of Alpha Centauri but this marks the first time their HQ has been the target of a major attack. Federation forces are in the vicinity and currently working to defuse an ongoing hostage situation and bring justice to the terrorists. For more on this story and more, stay tuned to FNN. - FNN[/h3]