[quote=@Burning Kitty] They won't and they deserve whatever happens. You are definitely wrong. I am sick and tired of seeing the leeches with $100 shoes but bitching and complaining because they ain't given enough for food when half of their shopping cart if full of the most expensive meat you can buy. They are nothing but lazy, entitled assholes who need to be forced to work doing the absolute worst jobs. [/quote] And I'm not saying those folks don't exist. They totally exist. What I'm saying is, there are a TON of people who legit, straight-up, 100% [i]need[/i] what they are getting [i]in order to exist.[/i] It's in everybody's best financial interest to get the welfare queens off the dole. It's also in everybody's best interest to help those who actually need it. That's what an effective reform will look like. Also for the record, ya know..... if you're trying to be the shoe police/the food police/whatever, that's not really a conservative position. [quote=@Burning Kitty] You clearly are not reading the conversation. Government enabling disabled and those unwilling to work are the same wrong thing. [/quote] Absolutely not. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is inalienable. It is imperative. It is the absolute cornerstone of the United States and it extends to disabled people.