That speed, Jeff for one could say in that situation he didn't expect that speed and for him to use other means to strike, and to do so so precisely. It might have been too fast for Jeff to react to entirely, but to say he was out if options would be a bold faced lie. As the punch made contact, Jeff did his best to let his visor take the primary impact of the blow, allowing the nanobots that made up the visor to latch onto Zelraine's hand, with the bots being primarily uneffected as they did not feel the pain that pulsed through Jeff's body. The sage however was unable to stop the unimaginable pain that spread everywhere through his soul as his body landed in a thud against the ground. The pain itself made it impossible to move his bodying willingly and nearly impossible to think through the constant pulses of pain that echoed throughout those never ending seconds yet through the entireity of it, Jeff did his best to muster up one final action. It took all his willpower but before losing all mobilty the scientist was able to mutter one word. [h2][color=fff79a]"Zap"[/color] [/h2] And with that, the nanos that clinged to Zelraine's hand released a paralyzing discharge which in most cases would bring most beings to a downright halt. Though in his case it would most likely not stop him, but the constant discharge would at least give Bruce a fighting chance as it would prevent him from moving his max speed.