Sugara had run out of the shower to get dressed and by the time Hiro had finished showering she was almost done brushing her hair. "What were you thinking, walking in on me like that?" she asked a towel-wrapped Hiro. "It was five minutes after the girl's shower time had ended", he responded. "I thought it was another guy." "Oh, I'm sorry." she apologized, "I was washing my hair for the fifth time. I guess I lost track of time." she reached up to the burst capillaries on Hiro's face that were in the perfect shape of her hand and a yellow glow left her palm, healing him. "What if buy you lunch to apologize? Come on." she grabbed his hand and started to drag him towards the door. "Hey, wait." he said, trying to pull away from her. "What? You don't want to eat with me?" "No, I just need to get dressed first." "Oh," she said, "in that case I'll go wait in the hallway." Five minutes later they sat down at their table in the cafeteria, though their meal consisted of the only food that was left, tempura and rice balls.