*John doesn't look back, just walks into the bar, and sits. He pours himself some whiskey, and quickly downs the glass.* *Sasha walks in after him, and crosses her arms.* Sasha: John... Who was that cyborg? *John sighs, and starts pouring himself another glass.* John: Gordon Gerko. Ex ceo of the Ziogen corporation... *Sasha frowns, and pulls the full glass away before he can drink it.* Sasha: And? Why does he want this? Why does [i]everyone[/i] want this? *John doesn't have a answer, and so he shrugs.* John: I don't know.. it's special. Just protect it. *He grabs the whiskey glass, and pulls it away from Sasha. Sasha just watches him for a moment, before walking out of the bar towards the kitchen. ---- *Jillian sits on the wall smoking outside, she spots Eustace, and puts out her cigarette.* Jillian: Everyone alright?