Despite sitting close to the fire, Ambrose was still shivering. He had to admit, he was shaken up by that last encounter. He flinched when Caleb first came close to him, before realizing who it was. He nodded vigorously, although he was not okay by any definition, he desperately wanted to be and pretending to okay was the best way for him to do that right now. "It's fine. It's not your fault." He swallowed thickly and glanced at Caleb, observing how effortlessly Caleb was able to connect with the magic, spinning another barrier for them easily. Ambrose felt a twinge of envy, wishing he had that same connection with the magic. Ambrose looked away again once Caleb reopened his eyes. He picked up some of the dry twigs, throwing them into the fire. Fatigue weighed on his bones, everything was happening so fast and he knew nothing could prepare them for what was ahead. But right now all he wanted was sleep. "It's obviously not anything good." He grumbled, "We should definitely try and understand what it does, but I think we should stick to the deal... Getting that staff is the cleanest and easiest way to get what we need." Ambrose let a sigh of relief when Caleb mentioned getting rest, "Oh definitely," Ambrose crawled to the tent, pausing before entering. "It would be selfish of me to take the whole tent..." Ambrose waved Caleb closer, "We can share." Ambrose didn't wait for a response, he took his place on the right side of tent, snuggling down and getting comfortable.