Morthos noticed Jax's blush then realized why, in order to care for her the medics had taken off her top. In all his excitement about the match he hadn't even noticed. Luckily for him he didn't have much time to think about that as Ophelia came over and gave Jax the business. Morthos knew when to stay quiet and this was definitely one of those times. He moved his attention to the next match that was starting, and apparently Ophelia knew one of the contenders. Jax made a comment about the guy in the mask, "I've seen him at the job board once or twice, his name is Roxas and that's about all I know. Morthos looked at both contenders, Neptune was always fighting, he was pretty good, so Morthos wondered why this guy would be challenging him. He seemed like a mystery man himself with that mask. Being in the arena made Morthos think about possibly challenging someone himself. Not today of course, he'd need to research his opponent, but he was sure he could be the top of E tier like Jax was now. He'd just never had any real ambition to get the attention before, but after watching Jax it lit a fire in him, he was sure he could be just as strong as she was. "My money's on Neptune, Roxas had the surprise factor of not knowing what he does but I think Neptune probably has the edge and experience."