Luna took a hearty sip of her tea as she sat at her table in the cafetaria. Just like most days, she was accompanied by her adoring fans from the lower grades, who nervously ate along with her. She herself didn't really care about them much however. "Aaah, Luna-sama is so elegant as usual..." "Just as expected from a princess..." Luna was used to whispers and comments like that. She didn't think of herself as anyone special however. She was merely acting the way she had been raised since she was little. "Please excuse me," Luna said as she rose from her seat. She had finished her lunch earlier than everyone else in the table. As she walked towards the doors of the cafetaria, she passed by the table where Hiro and Sugara sat. And without any warning, a gust of gentle wind blew out of nowhere, lifting Luna's already terribly short skirt and revealing her white panties to the two. Blushing slightly, Luna quickly held her skirt down and continued her walk, pretending that nothing had happened. [i]What was that all about?[/i] [@TheUnknowable]