Arden's lower lip protruded the top as he continued to pout. As soon as the display that caught him wide eyed and intrigued was over he went back to being miserable. The trip was tiring and he hadn't slept much the night before. Even now he wasn't allowed to run and play like the adults. Sure the dance and colours were exciting but standing still and merely observing wasn't his thing. Hiding his short moment of excitement he quickly looks down to the leaves scattered across the floor. With a grumpy kick his foot disrupts their rest. Through the torn cloth patch covering his knee Arden spots a small glistening or red peaking through, reminding him of his earlier fall. With a balled up fist he rubbed his tired eyes and continued to look down at his wound. His reluctance to participate in the conversation or enjoy the scenery was all part of his defiance to the situation. Arden was a highly energetic child who didn't care much for being told what to do. He had had a hard time settling in and making friends. By the sight of the two girls before him it was clear that for him it was harder then some of the other kids. The old man talked and Ashe replied, meanwhile Arden just stared at the girls from behind. Ashe's hand holding her friends and her friend holding a rare star Fruit. It was worth the scolding and the scraped knee just to be able to bring the fruit to her. One day he would know it as a Paopu Fruit. For now it was just the object of her eye and Arden felt proud for having retrieved it.