[center][img]https://t01.deviantart.net/_-UpS6wtmz3_oyqIfyIZgrEybuk=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre06/41b5/th/pre/i/2014/341/9/0/daydream_by_dopaprime-d88z66z.jpg[/img] [h3]Fate[/h3][/center] [hr] Anyone else catch the headlines on IBC? [hider=Link] [b]Imperial Broadcasting Company[/b] [hr] [b]Secondary Bomb Kills Hundreds In Anita City[/b] Thadus - Just minutes after the explosion that decimated Twin Suns HQ, a secondary bomb has been reported in the harbor district of the city, killing hundreds of civilians. Revolutionary forces behind the Twin Suns bombing are assumed to be behind the blast. The reported target was Anson Ford, outgoing deputy mayor of Anita City. IBC has learned from sources that Ford was taken hostage and strapped with explosives before being sent into the crowd. More on the story as it develops. - IBC [/hider]