And for those who don't want to/don't know how to look at the raw code, here's a copy paste for you. Just in case. [hider=Code] [code][hider=CS] [center][hr] [h1][color=556CAB]Character Name[/color][/h1] [hr] [img] [/img] [hr] [h2][color=556CAB]General Information[/color][/h2] Name: Gender: Age: Bender or Non-Bender: Nationality: Height: Weight: Appearance/clothing style: [hr] [h2][color=556CAB]Personal Information[/color][/h2] Positive personality traits: Negative personality traits: Role (white lotus, bending teacher, mentor, etc.): History: Special interests/skills/hobbies: Relationships (family, friends, etc.): Anything else worth mentioning:[/center] [/hider][/code] [/hider]