[@bloonewb] Good sheet, though there is still room for a few adjustments. I'd like a better idea of what Michel and Genna's specific skills and assets would be, particularly how Genna manages to be so independent from her house despite being unmarried and what influence or skills she has that her moral conundrum has stakes outside of a simple choice. There's also a line about Artur having brothers and it should be clear whether he has more besides Michel that are less focused on or if Michel is his only other brother. If you want to NPC or puppet Tyland at any point, you can also have a line about him, his personality, and what not. Get all of that straightened out and you should be good to go. [@NecroKnight] I'm not sure if this a WIP or not, but I'd like more fleshing out of House Tully in-line with all of the other house sheets we've gotten so far. A little history blurb and a list of the other house members, even if you don't want to PC them, would be good. For Elmo, I think you could flesh out more of his personality, skills, and motivations. And Lord Grover is actually his grandfather, not father, and while Grover is alive he is technically the Lord Tully even if Elmo is running most things. Talking about his wife, and his son Kermit is important too, at least fleshing out the history. Finally, I think there should be a reason that Elmo left home to join Daemon's campaign, a force mostly made up of House Velaryon soldiers as well as cutthroats, mercs, second sons, and assorted adventurers that Daemon gathered to him. Did Elmo sign up out of a sense of duty to stop the Triachy's influence in the Stepstones? Did he seek glory in battle under the Prince? It's an important question and helps inform why he would want to follow the Blacks. So all of that should be elaborated upon.