[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/355049658483081217/355067145845080065/coollogo_com-23442451.png[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Blood Banquet[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=black]The Gathering of Shadows[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydKs8l5exsc[/youtube][/center] [hr] [hr] It would be hard to find The Gathering less you know who to talk to. Crystal white eyes pierced the darkness of the tunnels in which he traversed to get into Nero's capital. Like ghostly lights in an abyss, stretching out towards the city below. A smooth smile crept along his face as the dragon continued his walk, boots hitting the stone passage with an audible echo accompanied by a cheerful whistle. In his possessions once again rested his masterpiece in an embellished case. Approaching the city wasn't a difficult task although strange looks did make their way towards him but looks were something that passed through him. Piotheit did not care to worry about what others thought as he had a mission which would start with the Therosi. He had gained an invitation to The Gathering thanks to one of his many informants whose untimely end came with the swift cut from a scythe. Best to tie loose ends along the way, yes? He learned of its location and quietly whistled to himself along the way. He saw the location, King Sleeth’s castle. A stunning gothic design complemented the dark ambience of the city. As he approached with the rest of those who entered he slipped in after showing the invitation. His [url=https://orig08.deviantart.net/f0e2/f/2009/091/7/e/7ea6b44053d154e2102ad967ff859887.jpg]outfit[/url], as well kept as it was, still showed age within its fabric as the tails of his coat seemed to be torn or burnt away. One could assume the cause to be of magic, possibly in a fight by the way the fabric rested. Entering the rather impressively large structure, he was greeted by descendants of Nayu and the few who contained mixed blood. They were few and far in between however, but nonetheless accompanied some of the royals. Unlike many who dressed rather pretentiously for the masquerade party, Piotheit kept it simple and refused to fully cover his face, hence the collar that seemed to loosely cover his mouth. His eyes began to scan the room, looking at the descendants with mild disgust behind a delicate smile and soft lid eyes. Paon was standing in the perfect position to clearly see anyone in the room and anyone entering it. His seemingly unseeing eyes were actually slightly glancing from one individual to the next as he tried to figure out who exactly his target was. Luckily, his eyes being completely blackened was an advantage here and allowed for his facade of blindness to be easier to upkeep. As he was scanning the room once more he noticed a newcomer. His head remained unturning, but he was for certain looking at the individual. A tongue flick that was at the speed of a blink occurred as he quickly grabbed the scent and realized that this individual was not nayu, but rather dragon. He took in the newcomer for approximately 2 seconds before going back to scanning for who he was actually hunting for.   The smell in the air was filled with perfumes and colognes amongst a sea of foods and of course, blood. But over these pleasant aromas was that of dragon. With the slightest flair of his nostrils he shot a look over towards a certain individual, just in time to see a forked tongue retreating into its mouth. He wore a rather dark outfit embellished by a purple design and accented by his wonderful crystal imbued mask. There were a few who did give him a strange look as he entered but most looks didn’t last too long, but this one had taken interest in him. In turn, Piotheit reciprocated this interest. His eyes seemed to dimly glow white as a smile crept onto his face. [color=silver][i]”Two seconds...So you noticed what I am, yes? Good...At least we have that in common. Let me see what you know…”[/i][/color] The white dragon walk shifted towards the figure with a slow, methodical saunter. His head seemed to lower and tilt slightly to the side as his steps flawlessly brought him through the crowd of people. Paon kept his gaze forward as the other dragon approached him. His body seemingly pretty relaxed even though in his mind he was actually very tense. He really did not like people he did not know this close to him. It was unnerving. When the other dragon was close enough he would continue to keep his gaze forward, but his head would tilt ever so slightly. [color=lavender]”How may i assist you?”[/color] He sounded pretty monotone with his hands clasped behind his back. A rather neutral stance. Piotheit scanned the younger dragon. He seemed to be without sight but if it wasn’t for the faintest of shimmer across those eyes as the light grazed over them, he would have suspected nothing. It was when he noticed the earring did he decide to have a conversation with him. [color=sliver]”So how are you enjoying the party? You should see these outfits many of the royals have chosen, hmhmhm.”[/color] He gave a throaty chuckle as he moved next to the other dragon. Taking in a deep breath, it would seem as if he was taking in the ambience of the room but rather, he was trying to get to know his current associate better. His nostrils flared ever so slightly as he took in the scents. Aside from what he had currently smelled, he had the faintest scent of vinegar but before he could conclude who it was, a female nayu with a tray passed by, to which he mentally sighed before taking an hors d'oeuvre. Paon straightened his head as he refocused ahead of himself. [color=lavender]”I am sure they are quite the fanciful attires. As for myself I am indeed enjoying the party”[/color]  He highly did not enjoy this dragon being this close to him. It was causing a split in his attention and that highly annoyed him. An interruption to his hunt. Annoying at best. He exhaled and kept the same stance he had. Mentally wondering how he could possibly make this individual leave his side while he was busy. Piotheit glanced over at him before looking back to the party with a smirk. [color=silver]”I am sorry, I did not know you were without sight. I guess you just so happened to glance my way long enough to recognize who I was then?”[/color] There was no visible tense, but Paon’s mind tensed once more. Outwardly he was still seemingly calm and collected. [color=lavender]”I heard someone enter. As you can imagine this sparked curiosity.”[/color] This was perhaps the most interest from a stranger he has received in quite awhile and it was happening while he was trying to hunt. His eyes became half lidded as he continued to hold his position.   [color=silver] So you [i]can[/i] see...how interesting. A Dolofon who feints blindness. I’m surprised you didn’t take up acting.”[/color] A lopsided grin made itself known. Paon had to suppress the urge to twitch his eye. He kept facing forward, but one hand moved as he held up a finger. [color=lavender]” I cannot see. You misunderstand.”[/color] With that he turned a slow not at all quiet movement. His gave slightly to the left of the dragon. [color=lavender]”I am quite the listener.”[/color] Though he did not comment on the dolofon part. [color=silver]”Say what you will but your silver tongue is a bit rusty. However, it is wonderous that you are a listener as I do enjoy to talk. You may chime in at any point if you wish.”[/color] With satisfaction in his voice he continued. [color=silver]”So Dolofon if you don’t mind me asking, what brings you to The Blood Banquet, hm? I will say that I am quite familiar with the group...in some ways.”[/color] He quipped as he looked about the room. Paon held that half lidded expression as the dragon spoke to him. His head tilting as the individual spoke. [color=lavender]”Firstly, I do have a name.”[/color] He paused before deciding to go with his regular name. He had a long list anyways. [color=lavender]”I go by Paon. A pleasure.”[/color] Another pause before he spoke once more. [color=lavender]”As for why I am here...I am simply here to participate in the merriment.”[/color] Inside he was growling. His mental image of himself absolutely annoyed and fully ready to light this one on fire if he could. But no...he couldn't….people. Piotheit turned his head towards Paon with slight excitement. [color=silver]”Well Paon, I would believe you had you initially told me the truth but now I feel that this is too much fun. So let’s play a game. It’s an easy game, I simply ask ten questions related to why you are here and seeing as how you are unable to lie I feel confident in winning. If I win, I continue this one-sided conversation that I feel is happening and if I lose, well, I leave you be. Easy enough, yes?”[/color] Piotheit smiled as he glanced around the room. Paon gave an internal huff and mentally wondered if it was considered cannibalism to roast a fellow dragon and munch on him a bit. He squished the thought as the appearance of his more feral thoughts was certainly [i]not[/i] a good thing. He exhaled and gave a shrug and a nod. [color=lavender]”Sure”[/color] Roast dragon was still a thought….a bad thought….but a thought. [color=silver]”Wonderful”[/color] He exclaimed with an almost sinister tone. [color=silver]”So let’s begin shall we. Dolofon, from my knowledge work under the Nayu King and bare the symbol of a red teardrop. With this being known my first question is, are you here to kill someone?”[/color] His tone of voice shifted to that of a historian reciting the past to a group of students. It reverted back to normal when he asked the initial question in the game. Paon’s voice was a purr of monotone. It was an odd combination, but somehow he managed it. [color=lavender]”Perhaps”[/color] There was no real sign of that being the truth or a lie and clearly he was trying to see just how well this one could read him. His face generally giving a blank expression with those half lidded onyx eyes. Piotheit smiled. [color=silver]”I’ll take that as a yes. You see, you started off with a lie, that being without sight. Something which I saw through rather easily. Second question. The Gathering includes members of the [i]arcane[/i] Therosi. Would it happen to be their leader?”[/color] His crystal eyes taking on the slightest of stern looks well hidden behind a pleasant smile. So the dragon could read him fairly well apparently. [i]Fantastic[/i]. His voice was that same purred monotone. [color=lavender]No[/color] Once more he gave away nothing, but he was certainly amping up his supposedly rusty silver tongue. He did have motivation to get this individual away from him. Far away. Other end of the room preferably. Because he wanted to hunt and [i]this one was not helping[/i]. [color=silver]”Ahhh...Interesting. So it’s not their leader but one of its members. Hmmm…”[/color] He sighed and crossed his arms as a hand reached to rub his chin, almost mockingly. [color=silver]”So with it being a member of the Therosi but not their leader then it must be someone with influence within the group.Third question, is the target known?”[color] He quirked a brow. Was he….was he [i]Mocking[/i] him. Several cuss words ran through his mind like drunken antelope ashe continued to outwardly keep a blank face. He thought through the question. He could lie and say yes or be more truthful. Time to test the waters. [color=lavender]”Yes”[/color] A very very blatant lie, but his face was still very much blank. That same purred monotone voice coming through as internally he wondered if a dragon stabbed in the face could be called a different being. Piothiet chuckled. [color=silver]”I hope you are a better assassin then a liar. So that is a no meaning if the target is unknown then the only true target would be that of the leader.”[/color] There was a pause. [color=silver]”Three questions it took for me to figure out the answer and for someone in your profession that is rather a disappointment. My next seven question are mostly for my own entertainment at this point...How high in ranking would you be considered? Based off the way you answered those question I would assume new to the profession but with your silver tongue or lack thereof, I assume you have been in this occupation for some time then.”[/color] He glanced back to Paon with another shit-eating smirk. In his mind he had killed this individual several times over, but the next comment took him a bit more to not react to. He tilted his head once more and exhaled. [color=lavender]”I am not new”[/color] While he was proud of his rank, it was not something he would go spouting off to annoying dragons that [i]would not leave him alone.[/i] [color=silver]”Which is what I had concluded...Keep up Paon. I am sure you are at least capable of that. Next question, If you plan on killing the Therosi leader, how are you going to go about it if you cannot see? Dragon senses can only take you so far dear boy.””[/color] He voice was spry and one could assume held a bit of playfulness to it. Paon almost reacted. Almost. Though, there was a very faint clicking noise from inside his mouth before he regained his composure completely. He kept his gaze to the left and the only full reaction was his eyes becoming more lidded somehow. [color=lavender]”Of course I am keeping up. I am just not sharing that information.”[/color] He swallowed a growl and deeply wondered if death was worth killing this guy. [color=lavender]”If I told you, that would ruin the surprise wouldn’t it?”[/color] Never has sarcasm dripped so hard in monotone. [color=silver]”Well it would only be natural for one in your profession to not share information, yes? That is common knowledge. Plus it’s not necessarily a surprise if I figured out the answer within three questions is it? I suppose you [i]have[/i] been at this for [i]some[/i] time, but it would appear more experience would do you well.”[/color] At this point Piotheit was simply enjoying himself. The ambient sounds of chatter and laughter amongst the crowd covered Paon’s click of his fangs. [color=silver]”So, what brought you to become a slave to a descendant, hm? Prefer the metaphorical chains of an undeserving King like a masochist or is it you did not wish to take on the dangerous brought upon dragonkin...”[/color] He asked with a quirked brow. There was a barely noticeable flash of something in those onyx eyes. More than half lidded as they were. Mentally the dragon in front of him died yet again in some quick unnoticeable way. Luckily, he did manage to not click his fangs again, but it very nearly happened again. He exhaled before responding to the question...choosing to ignore the first barbs aimed at him. [color=lavender]”A slave? Oh no…..you misinterpret.”[/color] He still kept his gaze slightly to the left of the dragon, ever the actor. [color=lavender]”I quite enjoy what I do”[/color] [color=silver]”The thrill of the hunt I suppose?”[/color] Paon quirked a brow before giving a small shrug. [color=lavender]”I am a rather simple to please individual”[/color] Internally he wanted to add especially when it comes to the thought of face stabbing you repeatedly, but he did not say that. [color=silver]”Ah...Not a slave but rather a pet. So I assume you have strong feral instincts...How….interesting.”[/color] He sighed as he took hold of a glass that passed by on one of the trays. This time the fang click was a lot more audible before he regained his composure. An exhale escaped him that could almost give away a hiss in it. [color=lavender]” I am [i]not[/i] a pet.”[/color] Why was it so hard to keep calm around this guy. Its like he….was…..poking….at... [i]Fuck[/i]. [color=silver]”Ah...so what I had suspected earlier is true. You’re of a venomous gene pool, yes? Much like the feral basilisks of these lands and some of the rare species found near Tearnarias and Gaia. The slight smell of vinegar was what gave it away or what could be akin to vinegar. By chance, do you coat your weapons in it or keep viles on you of the substance? I would love to acquire a sample.”[/color] Piotheit’s head fully turned towards Paon with dim glowing eyes. His mouth showed his draconic like fangs in what would be described as a predatory grin. Paon's brow quirked again and he shook his head. [color=lavender]”I do not just give such things away.”[/color] He gained a look of curiosity. [color=lavender]”Why would you even want such a substance”[/color] It was interesting to note what the venom smelled like to the individual as well. Everyone smelled something different….if they could smell it that is. Internally he was doing better now that he figured out that he was being poked at. He didn't like it….but….at least he wasn't raging an inferno in his mind. Piothiet shifted in his stance, tapping his case ever-so-lightly. [color=silver]”I have certain...pieces of art that require special ingredients and you just so happen to contain one such ingredient. I simply ask of you a favor and in return will pay you for your troubles.”[/color] The white dragon’s head cocked to the side as he looked into Paon's blackened eyes. Paon crossed his arms. A rather unreadable look on his face. [color=lavender]”I have no interest in money. Nor do i feel the need to provide someone i know nothing of with such a substance”[/color] His eyes were still to the left, but he heard that tapping. For some reason he could not place it made him ever so slightly uneasy. Odd. Piotheits smile slowly faded to a thin line. His eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly as he subconsciously tapped his case. With a sigh holding an underlying frustration he spoke up. [color=silver]”Riiight. Because you prefer acting as a chained animal to an undeserving King whilst living amongst the sludge of this world. Must be fascinating to watch, despite your apparent lack of sight which you cannot, without measure, lie about not having, this world ruined by those wretched creatures who dare to call themselves descendants. But take heed my dear [i]boy[/i]. I have lived many lifetimes and have seen the dragon wars. I have played my fair share within it and learned something about myself within that time. Do you know what that is boy?”[/color] Paon’s mouth twitched. It could be interpreted as a faint smile. His voice was barely audible as he spoke. [color=lavender]”I see i struck a nerve. Perhaps your complex of expecting to get what you want is the problem”[/color] He kept his arms crossed. [color=lavender]”You do sound old thats for sure”[/color] Piotheit quickly stepped in front of Paon, the colors of his eyes becoming more vibrant with silvers, greys and whites. Paon had a rather obnoxious gleam in his eyes...even with them being onyx in coloration as the individual stepped toward him. With his own fast, yet not at all quiet move he stepped even closer. He remained silent, but clearly this was his way of poking back. [color=silver]”Patience is the sweetest virtue and when time draws to a close, I still get what I want in the end.”[/color] It was around this point, clawing at the back of Paon's mind, a whisper started. Faint but quickly grew in sound. It was sweet, young and innocent yet filled with pain and fear. It attempted to reach to Paon, calling out. [b][i]”Heeeeelp me! Paaaaaon….Plllease”[/i][/b] The voice would carry through his mind and for a moment sound like it had surrounded him. Piotheit would seem unfazed as he simply bore his gaze into Paon's own. The lowest of hissing coming from the white dragon. By then Piotheit noticed a dragonkin approaching from behind Paon. Quickly his expression shifted with rather unnatural grace to a friendly and warm smile. The voice in his mind caught paon off guard. It was creepy and he really [i]really[/i] did not like that. The only outward response was a slight eye widening. Other then that he did not make a move other than remaining in the extremely close proximity that he was in. Wasu appearing behind him however, resulted in him stepping back, a neutral pose enveloping his stance. [color=silver]”Well this party is quite the wondrous event and I do look forward to talking more with you about your exciting profession but I certainly have some things I must take care of, especially if I am to meet the Leader himself. Take care Paon-”[/color] He began to turn away and for only a moment his expression gave a sinister look. [color=silver]”-I do look forward to meeting with you again…”[/color] And with that the white dragon disappeared into the crowd with grace and a sauter to is step. Paon simply gave a nod toward the guy, not giving him any other response and instead decided to focus on wasu. Piotheit joined in with the rest of the festivities, for the most part. His attention had been focus elsewhere, mostly talking amongst the Throsi of the room and those within the bidding. When the dinner came he simply stayed to the side and listened in, waiting for his new friend Paon to make a move.