So the basic idea I had is that Zoze lives somewhere in one of the deserts not occupied by a city. In fact he ranaway from home when his mother died of illness in the city because he didn't want to be taken by another family or placed in an orphanage. He was around 9 or 10 and was rather scared of the thought of being taken by strangers. So he fled. He lives in a little shack and has done a lot of stuff on his own. In fact, if it it's okay with the GM, I'd like them to believe Zoze is the one to teach the Avatar. Hermity fire bender in a desert, who doesn't like people sounds like the perfect image of a teacher. But it turns out Zoze is not the teacher it's Neo's character. But that's how he'd get into the group is by them thinking he was supposed to be the teacher. Zoze has now patiences when it comes to teaching someone. ha.