*army crawls in* HOORAY FOR A POST. FINALLY. my profuse apologies for it taking so long xD Wanted to leave it semi open for their approach towards Voss in case you wanted Manus to have set some kind of ambush attempt for them on their way in, feel free to take it in whatever direction however and I'm happy to just roll with it :3 Wasn't sure what your train of thought as to the Faceless' purpose for choosing Voss exactly but I had a little mini thought which I kind of outlined in-post: If the Mystics get these super-accurate visions that are supposedly always accurate, would Manus not perhaps want that kind of power under his control to predict Voldon/the Qyaari's movements? The "attack" on the Voss could serve the purpose of him taking some Mystics as hostage in order to force them to comply with his directives and have a secondary purpose to draw Voldon out....culminatung in their final confrontation at some point in the future where Voldon is killed? What do you think? XD