[@The Narrator] I do find it a hard argument that the life of impoverished peasants could be considered "weak and decadent" to be not entirely convincing. Not that their stances need to be entirely reasonable, but this may be a weaker part of their argument. Then again it would not be the primary argument to anyone they wanted to recruit so I guess it will work out. I actually think I have a pretty good idea of what this party is about and part of that is because it is simpler and part of it is because the UIH had some parts of it unexplained. So while I can see it being fine as is, actually the UIH was acceptable when I got it, but we had the time to improve it, how about... Do they have any particular view or care for economics? How do they intend to choose a successor? Is it strictly rule of man and that man is Mayor Urtus? Will it just be his son that takes over? How do they plan to choose lower tier officials. I imagine that this will come down to Boris will take care of everything, long live the strong, but at least their economic views should be expressed. On the other hand Boris'character sheet is a bit underwhelming. Part of it is that combining personality and biography into a single section does sort of shrink the whole thing down into a less elegant looking form, which is my fault. However, there certainly is not a whole lot going on with Boris as a character. I assume this is because he is supposed to be a very simple might makes right sort of guy and that's mostly fine in the long run, but you should take some time to try and communicate the less simple or at least less typical parts of his character. If he doesn't have any then it may be time to start thinking about it because I won't be putting up the ooc for at least another day. [@Bright_Ops] Perfect.