[center] [img]http://wiki.datarealms.com/images/1/14/Dummy_Tech.png[/img] [color=Orange]Dummy Tech[/color] We have revived your call, a technician will be with you in a few hours [/center] day 31, Early evening After it had rerouted it’s 2 eastern scouting parties up to the coast in order to avoid treading on the toes of Raynor's Raiders, the CPU ended up encountering an SOS signal. [hider=SOS] [quote=@Frater Jeremiah] [center][h1]SOS[/h1][/center] [i]To anyone who might be out there, for the love of whatever god is listening I hope you get this and get it fast! We've been on the run this past month or so, fuck knows I didn't keep track. Soldiers, monsters, hell god-fucking-damned sorcerers showed up in the mix! It's been a shitshow from the start and we were caught with our pants down. Despite it all we managed to make our way south, us and some other folk we found along the way. Then met up with some... well tribals I'd guess you'd call them, said they were gods or some such bullshit. They were camped around some huge generator or something, I don't fucking know. Anyways, for a while it seemed like a safe place, they were strong, stronger than any of us that's for sure. But out of the blue a bunch of Road-Warrior rejects showed up and set the place ablaze. Some of us fought, most of us hid while the tribe went to meet them in force. It didn't take long for the bunch of savages to get ripped apart by the bastards. We ran as quick as we could when the chief's head was cleaved off his shoulders and dashed on the rocks. I ain't fucking around man, these psychos got all sorts of weird grimy-lookin' tech on 'em. Big guns, mechanical arms, blades and spikes all over 'em. Hooping and hollerin' like a bunch of dumb animals as they wen't round rippin' out innards and quartering bodies. It was about a day and two nights before they were done, and we heard their buggies and trucks roaring behind us. We scattered, different folks from different groups spreading out so some of us could try and make it out. Not many of us made it this far, found some big ass fort and locked it up tighter than a virgin in Gomorrah. Wasn't long before they found the place and now they're beating down all the fucking walls around us. Don't know who's out there, if anyone is, but help us out and we'll owe you, big. Sending coordinates out, and just gonna hope something worse than those bastards doesn't come a knockin'. Fuck it.[/i] [hider=Coordinates] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tAHWGGn.png[/img] [/hider] [/quote] [/hider] Of particular interest to the CPU was the mention of a generator (perhaps reference to a Node or some other kind of mega structure) and of the fortification the group where hiding in. The CPU hoped that continued research of the various structures of the Array would bring it to a greater understanding of the Station and the fortification was the first instance it had heard of something that could be lived in and thus might contain records or simply clues about the creators of the massive artificial space habitat. It was fortuitous then that, as the rockets and fighters skimmed above the waves just off the coast of the ocean, that the desert it was trying to avoid gave way to a brown rocky badlands. It’s rocklets, lacking any kind of mechanisms like wings to allow for a banked turns, decelerated to a stop and then launched themselves southeast, across the badlands hex separating the distress signal from the sea. To the south was the territory of Raynor’s Raiders with whom it had had a brief encounter earlier today. Small columns of dust could be seen rising from the vast sun scorched expanse, indicating where the patrol routes it had been warned about where rolling across the sandy terrain. In it’s encounter with the Raiders they had come of as rude, no nonsense insular military types, whose presence and expansion so close to it’s own facilities worried it greatly. Of less of a concern, in it’s mide at least, was(what it believed to be) the Republic to the west. They had come of as amicable, in its brief interaction with them at least. Speaking of the Dominion, between checking back on the progress of their construction of a base around the volcano top node, making sure that the new Dummies and equipment that were being constantly manufactured were being put to work, that the huge number of craft and troops that were currently being put together into it’s central occupation task force weren't crashing into each other, doing experiments on the node, slowly scouting both the underground around it’s node and the surface around its fortress, the CPU was swamped with tasks. It was like having so many tabs open in a browser that even the small icons indicating what the tabs where for had become non visible, making switching to them a laborious and wasteful task as it kept tabbing it’s intelligence to the wrong group. It really had to find someone to delegate tasks to, either clients or employees. It had primarily made use of pioneers buying it’s equipment to spread it’s influence and gain wealth previously, but so far there had been a distinct lack of buyers. Also it desired an actual military/research presence on the Array in-order to learn it’s secrets so that it could sell them and thus become more secure in it’s continued existence. Thus, it would need subordinates, something it had avoided previously for the sake of ensuring it’s location remained secret, now that looked like the only way to increase it’s multitasking ability. It would have to decide where to get it’s hired help, either it would have to be from home, or from here. A question to consider later, for now, it’s 20 craft were approaching the site of the distress signal, just as the sun was going down. The CPU looked around at the region below and found a nice looking plateau to set down upon, there it would build a strike base from which it would launch its investigations into the source of the distress signal come morning. a slower moving harrier, along with two gunships, was launched from it's base back in the south, carrying a bunch of communication equipment it would be using to contact the distressed people in the morning and some heavier Units. For now, it would make do with the tactical information it could glean form it's sensors on arrival and of what it could see from it's vantage-point of the surrounding area.