[quote=@candlelitcraft] [@collectorofmyst] [@december] Yeah, we have to remember that at most Jinora and her siblings have grandchildren at this point in the timeline. Assuming each of Tenzen’s children had five children that are all airbenders, and those children had five who are also all airbenders (which I feel is a fair assumption, as I figure they’d all want to have a good numbers of kids so that airbenders can repopulate quickly), there are only around 100 airbenders in all (I think, though my math may be off), so I’d assume they’d either retire the tradition of separating genders or just not enforce it yet since there’s so few Edit: I checked my math and got 124 airbenders assuming my previous situation applied [/quote] You're math is a bit flawed, in that not every child would be an airbender. Of course, the logic behind the math still exists, as not every air nomad is a bender, but I still felt I should point this out. There might be 124 air nomads, but only around 20-50 would actually have bending capabilities, unless by some impossible luck each and every one just so happened to have that capability. BUT, you also have to account for Katara, any 'Air Nomad' descended from Katara x Aang now has an equal chance of being a water bender that they do of being an air bender. So there's also likely to be a few water bending air nomads, as odd as that sounds.