[@OrizaSaucer] She would bump into someone on her way out, but not her partner, instead the other new girl. The young lady was in her outfit, that of a cat burglar, no straps over her shoulders, instead of being held up merely by its tightness around her body. The girl just laughed when the now flaming girl finally noticed her. The whole preparation for the battle had been fairly entertaining for her. Stretching the tights around her powerful thighs, no doubt honed for her time as a hero, he spoke to the lady of fire. "Say, are your leg hairs just fire too? That'd kinda suck to shave" He responded, it came off as more of a statement than a real question. He walked with the girl she had titled 'flame girl' to the other who had gathered in the are. [@olcharlieboi][@Azure Flame][@LeamonZest89] The group all met in the underground training room's entrance, a large television in the middle with a large keyboard filled with various items to be used to control the area beyond them or to call off or announce things to the participants. To the left and right where a pair of double doors, each leading to the starting grounds for the fake heroes and villains respectively. Xavier turned to the group as the television showed four cameras. "Well now, the first group, go on in. The rest of us will watch. Remember, the villains need to protect the damsel from being captured for 10 minutes while the heroes have to get her safely and bring her back to the start. If the damsel is damaged severely both teams lose" Xavier continued. Ayn stepped forward, she slumped for seemingly wobbling towards the villain side. She didn't look fully awake, more like she was too tired to really be active. As soon as she and her partner were through the doors she had a sort of sinister smile on her face though, but it looked rather dopey with her tired eyes. "Ya know, I used to be a sort of 'villain' back in the day. Not one of the hot shots, but you know, I dabbled" She spoke aloud, again, more to herself than to her partner. "So I guess I can play the part"