ooooo. ooooooo. ooooooooooooo. I wanna make another charrie based on a charrie in a book i'm writing. It was inspired by this piece i wrote for creative writing. [color=navajowhite][i]She is bright, not from this realm, not with those kind, indigo blue eyes, black and white wings that rest between shoulders and spinal column. A tall woman, with long, graceful limbs strong enough to stick a sword through a grown man’s ribcage. Her hair is the color of her wings, but richer, as if made from coal flecked snow in your yard in the winter. Her cheeks are rosy and always smiling, especially when someone has an animal to pet, or children to babysit. Her pointed ears and canines remind you that she was more than human, despite her very human nature. There is sadness hidden in her indigo orbs, devastating loss, and determination. Amorai Glaedriel, a name that suggests that she’s more than what you see. Her words, graceful as her body movements, are eloquent and mostly soft, filled with love and kindness when you are on her good side. She says that in her native tongue, her name means Bright Love, and you can see that she was aptly named. The sun hits her hair and wings, giving her the angelic effect of haloing her head, brightening her wings. Your breath is caught in your throat as she looks down at you with compassion, smiling radiantly, or frowning, with white brows narrowed when you’ve done something she doesn’t like. [/i][/color]