[center][h1][Color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/8bfe4de44140ed062d7b4ebdc40a815b/tumblr_og1mi12uF91utmdtuo1_400.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=F48CA7]Location:[/color] The Prison[/center][hr] Josephine had that feeling she would be in a very uncomfortable position, but it was all she could do to get out of this. Thankfully, before things took a step further there was a knock on the door. The Warden got up, clearly upset. They spoke in the same language as before, but based on what she saw, the Warden was not pleased. However, he did say in clear English the words she'd been waiting for. They could go. She got up quicker than she thought possible, [color=F48CA7]"Well, such a shame, darling. I was looking forward to our time together. However, you have my word me and my companion will not leave this city anytime soon. Goodbye,"[/color] she said with an added blown kiss to hopefully tide the man over as she made her escape. She would find Haakon first before they left. She tried to tune out the obvious screams of the man. It was hard to feel pity for him since he killed someone, targeted her friend, and brought them into this situation. [color=F48CA7]"So, are we getting a ride back or are we on our own? Where is that rather loud man that was sent to us?"[/color]