[@Dealdric] R'lyeh bowed to his lord as the Traitor guardsmen dragged the prisoners back "while our sacrifice must be up held...perhaps some other many have that honor." He said as Kuzan looks to the guardsmen "Take them to the Pit...let the Word bearers have them. He muttered as he turned back to R'lyeh. Slowly Rubricae formed up behind Kuzan. " Kuzan...assembly our forces..." He muttered as he walked away. After what seemed only minutes R'lyeh stood before his force. Three thousand sons aspiring sorcerers with full squads stood ready to assault the command center. L. Next to nothing would spot them from achieving their goal. The array would limit their effectiveness but it should work, at least to secure their prize. Any others would be offered up to the dark gods. With a quick nod the thousand sons moved out for the attack.