Roxas started to laugh as Jax threatened him. "Is that was she told you? You're sister is the one who attacked me. I was walking home from a hunt and she shot an arrow past my head. I reacted once she tried to kill me. Anyway I paid for the damages. Also I think it's cute that you think you can beat me. I may have lost control this time, but that won't happen again. Anyways I don't think you would understand what I have to deal with every day in my head." Roxas starts to walk over to Jax and smirks. "I'm not trying to piss of anyone here, just get your facts straight before you go accusing people." He sits on his bed feeling a little worn out from the battle. Trying to switch the subject now, he looks back up at jax. "That was a ballsy move what you did though. Not that many people can control demons like that. My advice would be to be careful. Use them as little as possible or they will kill you and not even I can stop them." Roxas sits there with a serious look on his face.