[centre][h2][color=firebrick] Clara Baldwin [/color][/h2][/centre] Clara didn't like Armend's insistence on going against the mission. [color=0072bc]"If our mission was to hunt monsters then by all means I would let you go. But our job is these nitroshrooms so that's what we're going to focus on."[/color] She said in a stern voice as she began down the path to area 1 thoroughly enjoying the cooling temperature. She check her own pack which already had eight nitroshrooms in it, so she had no doubt that Armend could easily fill in the remaining two. [color=0072bc]"so... What do you think they wanted us to get nitroshrooms for?"[/color] She asked this not 100% sure is Armend actually knew what a nitroshroom was because of previous evidance showing otherwise. [centre][h2][color=gray] Environment [/color][/h2][/centre] As Clara and Armend approached area one they would notice that the heard of Aptonoth was back, and it was lacking a few members. Clara was slightly saddened to see that the baby had perished she didn't like it when babies got hurt. She could now guess where the Ioprey had wandered off to. The remaining Aptonoth seemed a little jumpy, most likely due to the attack on their heard. She made them avoid Armend and Clara, some going so far as to run into the water.