Not finding anything else, Nate decided that the desk had to hold the clue to opening the lock. In one of the drawers of the desk he found a crumpled up paper. It was hard to read the chicken scratching that somebody called writing. But it seemed to say: [indent][i]It all counts, from the dolls to the combs to the pink hair ribbons. Even the stars in the night sky count.[/i][/indent] He looked at the desk. There was a pair of dolls on the desk. "Ok.. 2 dolls." He counted the little combs, "4 combs". he looked and looked but could only find one pink ribbon. "1 ribbon." Looking up, he saw five stars painted on the ceiling. It had to be th five pointed starts and not just the white dots. "5 stars". He went over to punch in 2 4 1 5 into the lock. he smiled when he heard the click and the door open. He stepped out into the hall, a little disappointed with himself when he saw he wasn't the first one out.