[@Ciaran] [i]Kull seemed momentarily surprised that she had gotten back up after a bronze greave to the skull, but he quickly estimated that it had just been one of those strange, inevitable flukes which show up now and then, like a man born with boobs or a potato shaped like the Emperor's face. He wasted no more time pondering it. He waved his left hand dismissively, scowling. His other hand felt tentatively at his blinded eye, Kull grunting with disgust at his carelessness. He figured himself lucky it hadn't been his life, with how he had underestimated the big one's resolve. This one was determined too, yet... She seemed out of place, not like the brutish monsters that fought tooth and nail here on a regular basis.[/i] "The F*CK you talking about? Get the hell out of here already. I'll have 'em open the bloody gate. Where did they pull you from, a masquerade ball? This is pit fighting, to the death, not some duel where I have to make a name for myself killing a bitch in a dress. What do you- *noisely snorts out a gob of blood* think you get if you win, other than a pat on the back and a ticket to dying another day here!? As if shit like that will make me a man? GO. Get back to your court or whatever, I'll make sure they ship you there like the pretty package you are. The Captain of the Crimson Guard doesn't kill girls unless they have glandular issues that make them look like BUNGWHOPPING MALES. Otherwise I'll look bad! Well, bad in a SHITTY way, not a BADASS way, got it!?" [i]He jerked a harsh finger towards the gate and began making exaggerated circular motions with it. The men manning the portcullis looked confused for a few seconds before they began hesitatingly winding the gate back up. It was surprising. The savage man seemed to have something akin to a conscience after all.[/i]