[quote=@Penny] [url]https://www.cnet.com/news/homeland-security-plans-to-collect-immigrants-social-media-info/[/url] I love Big Brother! [/quote] We should probably not do that. [i]However[/i], as long as the NSA is allowed to spy on citizens, social media posts of immigrants are totally in-bounds. There's no legal justification for a half-measure here. If we're gonna stop civil intelligence gathering, we need to stop it root and stem. It's all gotta go. Then again, I mean, it's social media. I dunno what expectations of privacy you have when you're giving all your info to Mark "They Trust Me Those Dumb Fucks" Zuckerberg. I don't think the government is entirely wrong to monitor social media -- it's just super icky and big-brother-y and I plain don't like it. --- LOOK I'M LEARNING! Edit-in-place-of-doublepost: [hider=Well there you have it folks][img]https://i.redd.it/v6nbdz2esboz.png[/img][/hider]