[quote=@Dynamics] "Holding back" doesn't mean what you think it means. Soul Caliber, magnify the power of my life! Soul Edge, fully consume the life of our enemy! [/quote] Soul Edge: *a deep, guttural cackle eminates from me, and your arm becomes covered in a deep purplish void, moments later to be transformed into this grotesque state. Your power multiplies exponentially, overwhealmingly so* [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/soulcalibur/images/1/18/Nightmare_Soul_Calibur_V.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111020165226[/img] Soul Calibur: *I shine brighter than ever before, and your free arm is encased in a crystalline armor. Both I and soul edge's energy clash, then meet evenly on your chest, preventing further corruption by Soul Edge's power*